Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Years Resolutions

Grab a cuppa and relax a bit. I was wondering how many people I know are making New Years resolutions. I don’t make them, too easy to forget and not keep. I don’t think making them New Year's Eve after a few glasses of spirits work either. I make lists of things I want to accomplish that year.

I am sad to say my list I only got the easy things done. I had planned on scheduling each day and what I would get done each day. That worked two days and I ended up having major surgery on my throat. One health issue after another slowed me down to a snail's pace of work.
I did get out the picture book and a good start on a novella and an outline of a novel. I think I could write more if life would get out of my way.

Now this year...I do fear making a list. It was a disaster last year. I think I will just do as I always do; the best I can and keep getting up and going. 

So I am keeping my fingers crossed for good health. It will be less costly if I stay healthy. I will keep writing and Princess will still be comic relief.

Are you making any resolutions? Are you making a list of what you want to accomplish? I think setting goals, even just weekly ones help us get so much done. I hope to read more too. I wish I could say I will read a book a week but fear the jinx! I do hope you're reading a fun, scary, good book you got for the holidays.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Christmas

Just a short note to wish you a Happy Christmas and a Wonderful New Year. 

May you and yours have a wonderful holiday season.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happy December

Grab a cuppa lets visit a bit...

Happy December everyone. OK so I am gotten off my bum and to work. A lovely friend of mine described it well, just a malaise. She seems to understand as a fellow writer we are all a bit odd in our ways. We go through things in life and these things effect each of us in a different way. 

So now we wrap up another year. For all the good and bad we survived and thrived. I feel lucky I have meet a few lovely people and my friends are so kind and supportive.

So my labour has come to fruit as they say. I now have ‘My Dad’s Pictures from WWII’ on iTunes. I worked very hard to get it just right and published. I hope its very successful the money goes to my son. Why I was asked. Well, my father told my son he would pay for things for him and never did. I didn’t know about this until sometime later. My Dad didn’t leave money to sort this out so I am trying too. He gave me these pictures long before he passed away so. I felt this could be his inheritance money to pay for his Grad school. So if you have know anyone who loves WWII things and Black and White photos from France at the end of the war they many enjoy this book. As for me I just wish I knew who the people were in the photos. Some of the Photos I just love. The young man in one so sweet flanked with bombs on both sides. Scary that he may no longer be with us. Well, silly me.

So back to ghosts. You know as humans they had feelings. So I think in the afterlife they would too. I also feel most are good people but oh yes so many not so good. Just like life only paler.

Soon Princess and I will do her count down until Dr. Who for Christmas. Our Christmas Cracker hats on and a glass of wine. 

Here are some links you will enjoy of books that make such lovely gifts. Are you giving any books as gifts and if so which ones?