Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring, new do and picture book.

Another spring in the desert for me. It has been in the 80's this week and now this weekend we are told cold and rain. All I can say is I am not happy its hot so early. 
I am trying to find out which program I will use for the Coffee Table book of WWII pictures my dad took. Now that is a mouth full. I have how I want them. I printed them out and set them in order. It is time consuming to do. I wish I knew the order they were taken in. I was just given a plastic sandwich bag full of film strips rolled up with paperclips and rubber bands. The film had been stored in damp areas, hot attics and so the paperclips rusted and the rubber bands melted. I found a place in Sun City Az. to put the pictures on a CD. They got them all on a CD. They did every picture even the half bits of pictures. That was 10 years ago. I had no idea what to do with the pictures until my son said a book. So if you know any WWII fans who can steer me to blogs who would like to feature it let me know.
I also want to take time to thank my friends. Your support, love and games have helped me not think about my neck. You are all wonderful beyond words. No word yet as to why I still feel like I am choking. CT scan Dr said I can see the lump, that was before the scan. OH well. Thanks for the Love!
So now back to work for me I have the book I am working on sadly mostly in my head planned out. I need mundane things to stop interfering with my work. One good thing I had my hair done and feel Fab! My son took the picture quick.
What are you doing?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kitty. The coffee table book of WWII photos sounds fascinating! Best wishes to you. Dean
